Cataract Surgery Options

Our Advanced Technology, ORA Refractive, and LASER Refractive Cataract Surgery packages far exceed the standard of care for routine cataract surgery. They are technologically advanced innovative solutions designed to meet your individual needs and preferences. Please note that these services are additional charges in excess of insurance coverage.

Advanced Technology

“State-of-the-Art” Traditional Cataract Surgery
High Definition Diagnostics ORA with VerifEye New Technology
Aspheric Lens

Recommended for the safety conscious patient who wants the most advanced preoperative diagnostic imaging but prefers to wear glasses after surgery.

ORA Refractive

Advanced Technology plus ORA with VerifEye

Recommended for the patient who has very little to no astigmatism and wants some freedom from glasses, usually at distance. May want a minimal prescription and will typically need bifocals or reading glasses.

May also choose blended vision for unaided reading when appropriate. Also recommended for all who have previously undergone LASIK, PRK, or RK.

Laser Astigmatism

ORA Refractive plus CATALYS LASER
AcrySof Toric or Tecnis Toric II Lens

Recommended for patients with astigmatism who want the best available freedom from glasses for distance, and using over-the counter readers. Patient may also choose blended vision for unaided reading when appropriate.

Laser Presbyopia

ORA Refractive plus CATALYS LASER
AcrySof PanOptix, AcrySof PanOptix Toric, or TECNIS Multifocal Lens

Recommended for the patient who wants the very best available freedom from glasses at distance, intermediate, and near. Appropriate for patients with or without astigmatism.